Mater Christi Trust

Mater Christi Trust
Mater Christi Trust Loving, Living, Learning Together

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St Cuthbert's Catholic School

St Margaret Mary Catholic Primary School


We want to do all we can to ensure all our children realise their true potential. An important way to help us achieve this is for them to have excellent attendance at school, allowing them to take full advantage of the opportunities on offer and gain the appropriate skills they need to reach their full potential .


Pupils fall behind when they miss school – whether they are absent for authorised or unauthorised reasons, it all has an impact. It can be tempting to think the odd day here and there will not make a difference, but it all adds up.


We understand that ultimately, this is a partnership, between us the school and you the family of our children. We strive to provide a welcoming, caring environment, whereby each child feels wanted and secure - and we appreciate your support in working with us achieve of our aim of having all children in school as much as possible.


We operate a policy to achieve good attendance which outlines our expectations and process, as well as the ways in which our children, staff and families can work in partnership - please see our policy below. You can find out more about our absence reporting procedure on the Absence page under the Parents section of the website.


How are you doing?
