Student Ambassadors
Deputy Heads
Dear families of St Margaret Mary
We would like to introduce ourselves – We are the new Student Leadership team for this academic year.
Our goals and aims for this year are:
- We will lead and represent the student body at school wide functions, such as Open Evenings and Parents’ Evenings, meeting with and talking to adults and students.
- We will be expected to speak in front of parents and members of SLT, discussing your experiences and sharing the ideas of students in a formal manner.
- To represent and speak for all students in school, on issues that are important to the student body, to SLT when given the opportunity.
- To be internal and external ambassadors for the school, leading the Student Ambassadors at school wide events, and school visitor tours.
- To greet important visitors to the school and to help support their visit to the school.
- To plan and present at least 3 assemblies on the Young Leadership Team and Student Council work to year groups in school.
- To report to SLT when required.
Children's Chaplaincy Team
Children have the opportunity to serve the school as part of the Chaplaincy Team. Anyone can join, and members change each term.
The Chaplaincy team play a vital role in the Spiritual life of the school and are supported by Miss Lamont and Mrs Connelly.
The Chaplaincy Team perform many duties throughout the year including:
- Meeting weekly to discuss spiritual development
- Encouraging the children to live out their faith in their daily living
- Develop positive relationships with and beyond the school community
- To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school
- Fundraising for charities
- Developing stronger links with the Parish
The Planeteers
Who are the Planeteers?
These are volunteers from classes throughout the school who have an interest in healthy lifestyles, ecology and our environment, both inside and outside school. They meet regularly and take part in tasks to help the environment and educate the committee.
Planeteer Lead - Rhys Graham Yr 6
Rhys leads a team of children from across the school to ensure that our pledge as stewards to the earth becomes a reality. Rhys is a fantastic young man and an example to the other children in the school. He is part of the Student Leadership Team and works alongside the new Yr 5 Man Utd Eco Group to ensure that everyone plays their parts.
School Council
A new school council is elected each year, with every class from Reception to Y6 nominating representatives. This creates a central group that speaks on behalf of the whole school and makes decisions about school life. We value the opinions of our pupils and the School Council gives pupils a forum to share these opinions with the Headteacher and other members of staff.