Mater Christi Trust

Mater Christi Trust
Mater Christi Trust Loving, Living, Learning Together

Interactive Bar

St Cuthbert's Catholic School

St Margaret Mary Catholic Primary School

Catholic Life of the School

Catholic Life of the School


Our vision is that every single member of our community will love, learn and grow together. This is achieved by:


·      Aspire to be the best we can be and to use the gifts given to us by God.

·      Challenging ourselves and doing our very best in our work

·      Loving and respecting ourselves and each other

·      Ensuring that prayer and thanks are the foundations of everything that we do.


Mission Statement


At St Margaret Mary’s it is our mission to provide the families of Carlisle with an education where every child is known, cared for and taught well to enable them to reach their full potential in all they do. We work with parents to ensure their children are fulfilled spiritually, emotionally and educationally, shaped by our belief that every child bears the image of Christ.

Using the expertise of the excellent teachers in our school, we provide unique and exciting   opportunities for our pupils, and develop a sense of confidence and pride in every member of  our community. Our core principles are: Knowledge, Prayer, Aspiration and Service.



Our school is built on prayer,There is a daily staff prayer and reflection which takes place at 8.30 am in the staff room. All teaching staff are expected to attend this.


Every day children will take part in structured collective worship which is either key stage/whole school assemblies or Class collective worship. Each class has access to a prayer space which allows the children opportunities to pray and spend time in quiet reflection.

All year groups will say the Morning Prayer, Our Father, Hail Mary & End of Day prayer. Lunchtime prayer (before and after) is said as discussed per Key Stage and KS2 say The Angelus at the KS1 lunchtime bell. Finally, KS1 & KS2 day begins at 8.45 with daily scripture, prayer and reflection.


In addition to silent, spontaneous or informal prayer, children should be familiar with the following formal prayers of the Church:


Foundation Stage


Nursery The Sign of the Cross. Begin to learn the Our Father & Hail Mary

Reception Our Father & Hail Mary – begin to learn the responses for Mass

Special time will be set aside weekly for Nursery & Reception to come together and hear bible stories.


Key Stage One


Year 1:  Glory Be, Eternal Rest

Year 2: Hail Holy Queen


Key Stage Two

All the above prayers

Year 3:  Angelus

Year 4:  Promises Saint Margaret Mary

Knowledge of the Rosary (20 Mysteries)

Year 5:  The Confiteor (I confess)

- The Memorare

Year 6

 The Apostles Creed

Salve Regina (Hail, Holy Queen)


Prayer books, planners and KS booklets are used to develop children’s knowledge and their ability to recite prayers.



Prayer Resources

Collective Worship


Part or all of the school gathers together every afternoon to worship and share in the Good News.

On Mondays, the whole school gathers together for their worship. These are led by Mr Denny and Mrs Connolly - these focus on the Gospel reading from the prior Sunday.


Each Friday there is Key Stage Reflection and hymn practice.


Every second Friday , we come together as a school community to celebrate achievement within school and pray together. 




In addition to Collective Worship the school also celebrates key feast days of the liturgical year through a Mass.  These are planned with Father Oliver and are celebrated at school or in church.


Children in Key Stage 2 have the opportunity to lead and contribute with the planning of some Masses by reading, Altar serving and preparing the Altar for worship.


Mass is a celebration and when possible, parents/guardians and members of our parish families are welcome.


Learning about the Saints

Other Liturgies

At Christmas Year 6 leads the Key Stage 2 Carol Service, when the Nativity is re-told through Scripture and Carols.

At Easter, Our children in KS2, lead by Year 6,  perform the Passion Play. Christ’s Passion and Resurrection are reverently enacted through drama, Scripture and song.



Carols by Candlelight

Born for This- the Way of the Cross

Marian Procession

Still image for this video

Corpus Christi

Still image for this video

Chaplaincy Team


Chaplaincy highlights the Catholic ethos and the practice of Catholic traditions in the life of the school. Through an active chaplaincy, both staff and children, we strive to enrich the spiritual life of the individual and the community. It is our aim to help pupils and their families - as well as staff - to envisage the boundless possibilities that lie before them as part of their own continuing formation. The aims of our chaplaincy team are to encourage our children to live their faith in daily living and to develop good relationships within and beyond the school community. Furthermore the team aim to support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school and to continue to develop strong links with the Parish



Prayer Bags


Our Prayer Bags go home with each family in EYFS and KS1, a different child takes them weekly. The purpose of the Prayer Bags is to encourage prayer at home as a family. The bag contains a Prayer Diary where children can record their thoughts, feelings, prayers and intentions before returning it to school.

Posada Nativity Journey

Journey to the Cross- Remembering Jesus' journey to the cross during Lent.
