Mater Christi Trust

Mater Christi Trust
Mater Christi Trust Loving, Living, Learning Together

Interactive Bar

St Cuthbert's Catholic School

St Margaret Mary Catholic Primary School

PTFA Updates

PTFA ST Margaret Mary Catholic Primary School Christmas Party & Film Bonanza & Christmas Fayre


The PTFA will be hosting 2 Christmas Party & Film Bonanza evenings for the children on Thursday 23rd November and 7th December. The evening will run from 3.30pm until 7.00pm - this will allow parents to take full advantage of late-night shopping in the run up for Christmas. The cost of this event will be £10.00 which will cover child care, an evening meal and party games and a movie. Children will get a chance to vote on their chosen film in the run up to the event and films will be age appropriate to the audience.


After the film night, children will need to be collected from the school at 7.00 from their relevant entrance. Children can, if they want, bring a onesie and there will be a tuck shop available for further snacks if wanting.

For those with additional children, the price will be £15.00 per family. The intention of the evening is to raise some much-needed funds whilst also allowing you the chance to take advantage of the extended wrap around care. Tickets will go on sale tomorrow via School Money and these will be limited due to supervision numbers and will be available on a first come first served basis.


The following day (Friday 8th) will see the school host its annual Christmas Fayre, if anyone wants to have a stall then these will be priced at £10.00 and we would kindly welcome donations of any raffle prizes from the stall holders. The Fayre will start at 2.00pm for parents and then the children will be given an opportunity to attend at specific times before the end of the afternoon. The fayre will end at 5.30pm and there will be an opportunity to visit Father Christmas in his grotto outside at timed sessions. Further details regarding booking these slots and of other attractions will be made available closer to the time. If anyone is interested in running a stall, or knows of anyone that is, then please contact



For the PTFA to be a success we need as many volunteers as possible who we can call on when we hold events such as a film night if this is something you are interested in, please contact
