Mater Christi Trust

Mater Christi Trust
Mater Christi Trust Loving, Living, Learning Together

Interactive Bar

St Cuthbert's Catholic School

St Margaret Mary Catholic Primary School

The School Day

The School Day


Breakfast Club - Breakfast Club is available from 8.00am


Morning - The school day begins at 8:45am. Any child that arrives late must enter via the main office, accompanied by their parent/carer, and sign in electronically. A child will be marked as absent if they arrive after 9:15am. Breakfast is provided for all children upon arrival to school. 


Break - Breaktime is at 10:30. Children are welcome to bring snack or fruit can be purchased from the kitchen for 20p. We also offer a free healthy snack to all our children. 


Lunch - Lunchtime is staggered across the school, with Nursery beginning lunch at 11:45am whilst KS2 come into the Hall at 12:30. All children eat in the Hall and lunch menus are on a rolling three-week menu. Menu choices and dinner money payment is made via SchoolMoney and selection must be made the Thursday before.  


End of Day - The school day ends at 3.20pm for Key Stage 1 & EYFS and 3:30pm KS2. All children are to be collected from the school yard, unless permission has been granted to walk home independently.


Late Collection - If a parent is going to be late to collect then they must contact the Office in advance. If a child is not collected by 3:45pm then the child will be placed in After-School Club and a charge will be made.


After-School Club - After school wrap around runs until 5.30pm whilst we also offer a rich varied number of extra curricular classes.
