The School Day
The School Day
Breakfast Club - Breakfast Club is available from 8.00am
Morning - The school day begins at 8:45am. Any child that arrives late must enter via the main office, accompanied by their parent/carer, and sign in electronically. A child will be marked as absent if they arrive after 9:15am. Breakfast is provided for all children upon arrival to school.
Break - Breaktime is at 10:30. Children are welcome to bring snack or fruit can be purchased from the kitchen for 20p. We also offer a free healthy snack to all our children.
Lunch - Lunchtime is staggered across the school, with Nursery beginning lunch at 11:45am whilst KS2 come into the Hall at 12:30. All children eat in the Hall and lunch menus are on a rolling three-week menu. Menu choices and dinner money payment is made via SchoolMoney and selection must be made the Thursday before.
End of Day - The school day ends at 3.20pm for Key Stage 1 & EYFS and 3:30pm KS2. All children are to be collected from the school yard, unless permission has been granted to walk home independently.
Late Collection - If a parent is going to be late to collect then they must contact the Office in advance. If a child is not collected by 3:45pm then the child will be placed in After-School Club and a charge will be made.
After-School Club - After school wrap around runs until 5.30pm whilst we also offer a rich varied number of extra curricular classes.