Mater Christi Trust

Mater Christi Trust
Mater Christi Trust Loving, Living, Learning Together

Interactive Bar

St Cuthbert's Catholic School

St Margaret Mary Catholic Primary School

Zones of Regulation

Zones of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation is a complete social-emotional learning curriculum, created to teach children self-regulation and emotional control.

This program teaches a variety of social-emotional skills to children, starting with early emotional skills and advancing on to self-regulation and navigating social situations.

Here are some skills taught during The Zones of Regulation:

•             Identifying your emotions by categorizing feelings into four zones (more on this below)

•             Self-regulation: Achieving the preferred state of alertness (zone) for a situation. This is all about regulating your body and emotional regulation

•             Identifying triggers: Learning what makes you “tick” and why

•             Coping strategies: Various techniques and strategies that help achieve emotional regulation and manage strong emotions

•             Size of the problem: Introduces the idea that the size of your reaction should match the size of your problem, how to identify the size of your problem, and strategies for problem-solving.

•             Expected behaviour vs unexpected behaviour: This also covers perspective taking and how your behaviour affects the thoughts and feelings of the people around you

The Zones of Regulation uses four colours to help children self-identify how they’re feeling and categorize it based on colour.

They learn different strategies to help them cope and manage their emotions based on which colour zone they’re in.

Additionally, the Zones of Regulation helps kids recognize their own triggers, learn to read facial expressions, develop problem-solving skills, and become more attuned to how their actions affect other people

Welcome to The Zones of Regulation

Leah Kuypers, author and creator of The Zones of Regulation® provides a brief introduction to The Zones of Regulation framework.
