Behaviour & Expectations
At St Margaret Mary Catholic Primary we create an environment where our students thrive with their social, emotional and academic learning.
The Positive Behaviour Policy is about:
• Proactive school-wide systems of supporting, defining and teaching appropriate students behaviours to create positive learning environments
• Creating and sustaining school-wide, classroom and individual systems of support
• Building effective environments in which positive behaviour is more effective than problem behaviour so that academic success can be achieved
Key attributes include:
• Preventative activities data-based decision making
• Problem-solving orientation
Below is our school-wide Matrix of Expected Behaviour. This matrix clearly defines our expected behaviours which are explicitly taught, modelled and reinforced in every classroom and throughout the school.
Our articulated set of expectations uses the Expectation Ladder as the visual tool to identify positive behaviours and assist students understand choices that impact negatively on their learning.
Below is our Behaviour Management Procedure which all staff use when addressing minor and major behaviours.