Ofsted and Performance Data
Please find below our most recent Ofsted reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.
OFSTED and School Inspections
Download a copy of our latest OFSTED Report
KS2 Results 2023-2024
Reading (National 75%) Expected 84% Greater Depth 22%
Writing (National 73%) Expected 84% Greater Depth 3%
Maths (National 75%) Expected 81% Greater Depth 22%
GPS (National 73%) Expected 73% Greater Depth 33%
Combined RWM (National 62%) Expected 75% Greater Depth 3%
Key Stage 1 Phonics
Yr 1 78%
Yr 2 96%
KS2 Results 2022 - 2023
Reading 79% Expected 29% Greater Depth
Writing 86% Expected 34% Greater Depth
Maths 83% Expected 21% Greater Depth
SPAG 79% Expected 28% Greater Depth
Combined 72% Expected 10% Greater Depth
KS1 Phonics 2022 - 2023
76% Year 1
94% Year 2
KS2 Results 2022-23