Mater Christi Trust

Mater Christi Trust
Mater Christi Trust Loving, Living, Learning Together

Interactive Bar

St Cuthbert's Catholic School

St Margaret Mary Catholic Primary School

Drawing & Talking

Drawing and Talking

St Margaret Mary has a fully trained professional in advanced Drawing and Talking. Drawing and Talking is a safe and easy drawing technique for use with children who have suffered trauma or have underlying emotional difficulties affecting their mental health and well-being. The technique is based on Jungian and Attachment (Bowlby) theories.

Drawing and Talking therapy supports those who are not realising their full potential either socially or academically.

Drawing and Talking is completed over 12 half an hour sessions, one session per week. It has been a successful intervention so far, with several students benefitting from the course.

Drawing and Talking can also be completed as part of a group course or sandplay if the Nurture Team feels it would be more beneficial.
